The history of sports dates back thousands of years and since then sports injuries have become commonplace. Sports injuries can occur in both contact and non-contact sports, it is estimated that 3.5 million children under the age of 14 receive medical attention for these types of injuries each year.
High school students account for approximately 2 million injuries and 200,000 doctors’ visits each year. It is estimated that 62 percent of injuries occur during practice and that one-third of parents do not have children take the same precautions that they would during a real game.
Although children are more susceptible to being injured while playing sports, adults are still at risk when engaging in intramural or professional sports. Adult leagues and even workplace sports activities could result in a serious personal injury.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a negligent individual while playing sports, the victim may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Get in contact with one of our attorneys by filling out the “Free Case Evaluation” form and receive a no-cost, no-obligation case consultation.
What Are The Most Dangerous Sports?
Sports are most often classified as contact or collision, limited contact, and non-contact. Football is usually deemed a contact sport while basketball is considered a limited contact sport. Some people may believe non-contact sports are safe however swimmers, gymnasts, and body-builders may all suffer from sports injuries.
Some sports that are more prone to injuries include:
- Football
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Soccer
- Baseball
- Cycling
- Gymnastics
The increased popularity of extreme sports such as snowboarding and skateboarding has also lead to an increase in injuries among young adults. The SAFE KIDS Campaign notes that more than 61,000 children between ages five and 14 were treated for skateboarding-related injuries in the early 2000s. Additionally, approximately 29,000 children were also treated for snowboarding and skiing injuries.
Watch Out For A Variety Of Injuries
Sports injuries may be categorized as acute or chronic injuries. Acute injuries happen suddenly while chronic injuries occur from overuse of one area of the body over time or while playing the sport. Acute injuries are more noticeably than chronic injuries are with overuse a player may simply try to play “through” the pain.
Some common types of acute and chronic injuries include:
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Sprains and Strains
- Bone Fractures
- Dislocations
- Compartment Syndrome
- Joint Problems
- Tendinitis
According to the Center for Disease Control approximately 207,830 emergency room visits for concussions and other traumatic brain injury-related injuries were reported annually between 2001 and 2005. Although helmets can aid in preventing a traumatic brain injury if an individual suffers a serious enough injury they could still suffer from it.
What Causes Sports Injuries?
Although safety equipment use and rule changes in sports have made some sports safer, injuries still occur and sometimes it may be due to another individual’s negligence.
Some common causes of sports injuries include:
- Faulty safety equipment
- Improper training
- Poorly trained coaches
- Falls
- Poorly maintained playing surface
- Lack of safety equipment use
- Inadequate adult supervision
In some cases, a chronic injury might occur due to a player who is put back on the field much too quickly after suffering a serious injury. It is important both adults and children seek medical treatment for a sports injury and allow enough healing time to pass before they play again.
Contact Our Sports Injury Lawyers Today For Help
The Center for Disease Control notes that more than half of all sports injuries among children are preventable. If you or a loved one has been injured while playing sports the knowledgeable team of attorneys at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers are ready to help you fight for justice.
With more than 140 years of combined legal service, we are ready to provide comprehensive legal counsel on your specific claim and help you fight for the MAXIMUM amount of compensation you deserve. We have several offices located throughout Connecticut. To speak with one of our lawyers, contact us at 800-PERKINSfor a no-cost, no-obligation initial case consultation. Our intake staff members are ready to take your call today.
If you would prefer to contact us online, fill out the Free Case Evaluation form located on this page – it’s free to submit and strictly confidential.